Cardisiography is a method for detecting the signs of emerging or existing heart disease (arterial, structural or arrhythmia) and measures electrical activity of the heart.
It is a non-invasive method that is performed in the outpatient clinic when the patient is resting, with electrodes attached to the body. It is a completely safe method, suitable for every adult, however it cannot be equated with an examination by a cardiology specialist.
By placing four electrodes on the chest and an additional electrode on the back, a vectorcardiogram (3D analysis of the heart's electrical activity) is created in a very short time (the screening and the analysis process take 15 minutes). It measures 290 parameters and evaluates them with the help of artificial intelligence.
The disease can thus be detected at a very early stage, which leads to faster and more effective treatment.
The screening is especially recommended for people who are exposed to certain health risk factors: diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, smoking... If the results show a medium or high risk of cardiovascular disease and the doctor assesses the risk of developing a heart attack, the patient is referred to a cardiology specialist for further treatment.
With cardisiography you can check the health of your heart at any time and in a simple way.
You will receive the results and the opinion in writing after the screening.