VelaShape II

The first technology in the world to reduce cellulite and the volume of the body with a non-invasive clinically proven procedure.

VelaShape II is a medical system, which acquired a certificate from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The Elos technology combines radio frequency, infrared light, vacuum therapy and massage. The combination of these energies increases the metabolism, promotes lymphatic drainage and reduces or shrinks the size of the fat cells, with the gradual levelling of the skin surface with a pronounced reduction in cellulite and volume.

It enables treatment of individual problematic areas (thighs, buttocks, hips, abdomen, upper arm) and is suitable for both women and men.

First, it is necessary to prepare the skin with skin peeling, and for achieving the best results the following is recommended: manual lymphatic drainage, pressotherapy, dry CO₂/carbon dioxide bath, hypobaric therapy, different wraps and massage, increased physical activity, observing the recommendations for a healthy diet and drinking Donat Mg mineral water.