MRI examinations

The Rogaška Medical Centre has been performing ultrasounds and X-rays for decades, and now we take pride in the latest acquisition in the field of radiology – magnetic resonance imaging.

The latest MRI device – Siemens Avanto Fit 1.5 T

Our region was long deprived of high quality diagnostic radiology technology; using the latest MRI device – Siemens Avanto Fit 1.5 T, the Rogaška Medical Centre will carry out preventive examinations of the whole body and examinations of individual body parts. The Rogaška Medical Centre is the most recognizable by gastroenterological activities, which will be upgraded with this new technology.

Magnetic resonance

The device will thus enable:

  • MRI examinations of the abdomen (liver, pancreas, kidneys, adrenal glands, spleen, prostate, bile system (MRCP), enterography), 
  • the nerve system, brains and spinal cord, 
  • muscle-skeletal system (also MR arthrography), and 
  • preventive examinations of breasts, prostate and the entire body.

Magnetic resonance

Magnetic resonance is a method which is normally used in targeted detection of diagnostic problems, i.e. as an additional examination in defining changes not reliably identified by standard CT or ultrasound examinations. Magnetic resonance imaging can also be carried out for preventive purposes – the Rogaška Medical Centre offers MRI examinations of breasts, prostate and the entire body. 

Magnetic resonance

The Rogaška Medical Centre with its top radiologists is the only centre in Slovenia to allows MRI of the entire body. 

Whole-body magnetic resonance imaging, from head to toe, is a useful, fast and non-invasive diagnostic method for detecting random pathological changes in generally healthy people. It lasts 50 minutes. Increase in malignant tumours and taking care of our health are two of the main reasons to use this examination to ensure early detection of possible diseases, such as: renal carcinoma, liver malignancies, lymphomas, bone tumours, etc. Various studies abroad have shown that in as much as 70 percent of randomly selected people both benign and malignant changes were found. 

A team of top specialists from different areas of medicine takes care of the assessment and treatment of disease using a team-based and multidisciplinary approach.

MRI examination of breasts

Examination of the prostate with magnetic resonance

Diagnostics for athletes

The holder of this activity is a radiology specialist Petra Mrkša, MD, who deals with interventional radiology and MRI in the field of the muscular-skeletal pathology. She has been performing various diagnostic tests of the muscular-skeletal system for years, especially in case of sports injuries. She has been helping different sports clubs together with sports medicine doctors for years for them to obtain timely care or diagnosis. She is a member of the Olympic Reference Sports Medicine Centre in Celje and the Handball Federation of Slovenia.

Specialist doctors

Petra Mrkša, MD

Specialist in radiology
She enrolled in biomedicine postgraduate studies and completed her specialization in radiology with honours. She attended various congresses and deals with interventional radiology and MRI in the field of the muscular-skeletal pathology. Abroad, she undertook various trainings at various schools in the field of muscular and skeletal system, interventional radiology and ultrasound.
Petra Mrkša, MD

Ivan Brzović, MD

Specialist in radiology
He completed his radiology specialization with honours in Zagreb in 2007. At the University Hospital Centre in Zagreb, he was active in the field of whole-body MSCT. Since 2014, he has been upgrading his education in the field of MSCT diagnostics of interstitial lung disease and cardiothoracic diseases. He provides a wealth of experience in various fields of ultrasound and x-ray examinations.
Ivan Brzović, MD