Preventive managerial check-ups

After the age of 40, it is necessary to carry out a preventive examination to confirm one’s health or discover a potential threatening disease.

The purpose of the examinations

The consequences of a fast-paced life are usually seen through excess body weight, increased cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar level and an increased blood pressure. Poor habits add to this risk, such as smoking, excessive alcohol and stimulants consumption.

For this reason, we began developing Preventive Managers' check-ups 25 years ago at the Rogaška Medical Centre, that are carried out by a group of established specialist doctors.

The purpose of the examinations is to confirm the state of health or to determine in a timely fashion any potential risks to health with systemic examinations. We mainly focus on some internal diseases, which we cannot detect in time by ourselves – the beginnings of some serious diseases are often without initial symptoms.

When is the right time for a preventive managers' check-up?

It is very important for preventive check-ups to be done in time. At the Rogaška Medical Centre, we recommend it to individuals over the age of 40. For younger individuals, a comprehensive programme is necessary if there is a family history of health problems.

On the first visit, our specialists recommend a comprehensive gastro & cardio programme. On the following visits, a specialist will decide on a programme based on the results of the first visits and the wishes of the individual.

What does the preventive managers' check-up offer?

At the Rogaška Medical Centre, we have combines check-ups into four sets:
  1. Cardio & gastro - plus preventive programme
  2. Cardio & gastro - preventive examination
  3. Gastro - preventive examination
  4. Cardio - preventive examination

Tests and examinations



Preparation and course of the preventive programme:

At the Rogaška Medical Centre, we recommend different programmes. For this reason, before their arrival, we provide all patients with all details on the programme, the preparation and arrival, depending on the selected preventive check-up.
  • The two-day gastro & cardio preventive check-up begins on Sunday afternoon or early Monday morning. It ends on Tuesday afternoon. 
  • The one-day cardio preventive check-up begins on Sunday afternoon or early Monday morning. It ends on Monday afternoon. 
  • The one-day gastro preventive check-up begins on Monday afternoon or early Tuesday morning. It ends on Tuesday afternoon.

The patient is examined by several doctors, specialists in individual fields. All exams take place according to a previously prepared schedule, which the patient receives immediately upon arrival. Throughout the entire duration of the programme, the patient is accompanied by a medical assistant of our centre and the guest performs everything in one place. The guests taking part in the preventive managers' programme have accommodations in rooms of the highest category in Rogaška. The hotels are directly connected to our centre, which organizes the programme. In addition to room and board, guests taking part in the preventive check-up also have the other offers of the hotel at their disposal (such as the swimming pool, fitness centre, sauna, etc.). We recommend that guests let us know upon reserving the check-up, if they will be accompanied by anyone. The price of accommodation is not included in program price. Upon concluding the examinations, based on analysis of all the results, the guest is provided with a detailed explanation on his state of health and instructions for staying healthy or referrals for any necessary curative treatments. After all check-ups have been completed, the guest receives an extensive written opinion of a specialist with all the results.

Expansion of existing programme

To improve your overall physical and mental well-being, we recommend the relaxation programme as a wonderful supplement to the preventive check-up.

During the course of examinations or after the initial examination, a specialist doctor may determine the need for additional tests, which are then included in the basic programme.
  • RTG of skeleton and joints;
  • coloured Doppler of veins;
  • other services in the field of vascular surgery, aesthetic surgery, ultrasound, x-ray, orthopaedics, physiotherapy and dermatology.
  • and the presentation of energy relaxation techniques*. 
*For regulating energy stability, we give advice on and teach techniques which affect our energy levels. Using a variety of techniques, we can improve the immune system, collect and obtain our energy and strength for creativity, open a new view of ourselves and the world, liberate ourselves from different blockages, train our attention and concentration, improve our breathing, stability, posture, flexibility and grounding, improve our well-being, relax ourselves, protect ourselves from stress ...

We additionally recommend!

To improve your overall physical and mental well-being, we recommend the relaxation programme as a wonderful supplement to the preventive check-up.

At our centre, we have an individual approach to the treatment of guests who are exposed to everyday stress factors. Based on a specialist medical examination and a status assessment, we advise a personally tailored programme for the treatment of overburdening for every guest.

Information and reservation

Jelena Lončar, consultant
T: +386 (0)3 811 70 12 
M:+386 (0)51 399 003