Sometimes, only a little bit is needed for the perfect appearance
Changes to the skin, whether they be moles, fibromas, age spots, are mostly harmless formations but can be an aesthetic nuisance, since they show on the face or other parts of the body that are usually exposed. We can accept them as a part of ourselves: sometimes a tiny spot on the cheek can be a beautiful feature, personal note or a sexy detail.
But such skin lesions on exposed parts of the body are annoying and give the impression of neglect, aging or indifference to personal appearance. For people, whose professional success is directly related to the impression they make o others, contact with clients is much more successful if they exude freshness, youthful energy and élan. Annoying lesions and skin growths have no place in such a context.
Some lesions can be removed dermatologically; others require surgical procedures. These lesions are cut out in the direction of the Langer's lines, which is the direction of the wrinkles of the skin. They are then stitched so that only a gentle and discreet scar remains.
Age spots can be scraped off the skin, so that in the place of the spot, there is initially a small abrasion, which in a few days heals and becomes normal healthy skin.
Sometimes, little things can cause great worries
The vast majority of skin legions are harmless, but those that have suddenly appeared, are irregularly shaped, unevenly coloured or very dark, grow quickly or are in the form of scabs, which never completely heal, are dangerous. Upon evaluating their appearance, they are removed. The cut tissue is examined under a microscope, to precisely define its nature and reliably determine whether it is benign or malignant. The treatment that follows depends on the results of this examination.
What are the most common results of this examination?
If we determine that the lesion is harmless, you can remain calm. It is possible that there was only a potential for risk, which means that it could have developed into cancer in the future.
Among malignant skin growths, there are three that are most common:
basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma. All three forms occur on the skin surface (epidermis). The reason for the occurrence of all three forms is usually several years of excessive sun exposure. Unfortunately, many people are still convinced that successful holidays mean coming back with bronze coloured skin. People, who spend a lot of time outdoors, usually believe that "fresh air and sunshine" are not harmful and that they do not need protection. Numerous studies have proven that both opinions are wrong.
According to the findings of the New York Fund for skin cancer, skin cancer is the most common form of cancer and in over 90 % of the cases, exposure to UV rays is the cause, whether in the form of short-term excessive exposure with sunburn (e.g. holidays at the seaside or in the mountains) or many years of exposure (e.g. outdoor workers and farmers).
The most common form of skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma. Luckily, it is also the least dangerous. It normally occurs after several decades of exposure to UV rays, which is why mainly older people, who spend most of their days outdoors are affected. However, the average age of those affected is decreasing! This type of cancer most frequently occurs on parts of the body that are exposed to the sun: the nose, eyelids, cheeks, ears and other parts of the body. Luckily, it usually does not spread, so removal of the tumour through freezing or cutting out the affected tissue is usually sufficient. Only surgical removal allows for a subsequent microscopic examination of the tissue and a precise answer to whether or not the removed tissue was malignant.
Squamous cell carcinoma can appear anywhere on the body, but usually in places that are most often exposed to the sun or have been in contact with radioactive chemicals (hands). Its appearance is similar to that of basal cell carcinoma, like an ulceration that does not heal. Squamous cell carcinoma rarely spreads; its treatment is similar to that of basal cell carcinoma.
Sometimes, little things can be fatal
If the first two forms of cancer are only a nuisance and can be life-threatening only in cases of complications,
malignant melanoma is seriously dangerous. Its frequency has been increasing from year to year, partly due to the longer average life expectancy and with this longer exposure to UV rays, partly because of the migration of fair-skinned Caucasians to places with intensive UV radiation. It also affects young people, spreads quickly and if not removed surgically in time, is fatal.
It begins as a mole, grows quickly and changes colour and shape. In its most aggressive form, it resembles an ulceration. It spreads quickly to the surrounding skin, lymph nodes, lungs, liver, brain and bones. Every year, it kills thousands of, mainly fair-skinned, people worldwide. It can only be cured if removed surgically and early enough. In advanced forms, immunotherapy and chemotherapy offer some help.
In addition to exposure to the sun, our genetic design is also an important factor concerning the occurrence of melanoma. People with close relatives, who have suffered from it, are more likely to be at risk. Caucasians are more at risk, especially those with a very fair complexion, blue, green or grey eyes. People who burn quickly in the sun are also at risk, as well as those who have freckles and those who suffered blistering sunburns in early childhood. Dark-skinned people are usually less sensitive, but no one is immune to the effects of excessive sun exposure.
Periodically examine the lesions and marks on your skin and check if their colour, shape or size has changed, etc. Your partner or friend should also take a look at your back and body parts not visible to you. Pay specific attention to a mole that has begun to bleed, hurt or itch.
If you notice any suspicious changes to your skin, do not put off visiting us. We will examine you, remove any moles if necessary, examine them and advise you on how to look after the health of your skin.
Why should you or your child be the object of ridicule
The eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hairstyle, and hands to create our image more than other parts of our body. They are what is most noticeable when we are in contact with other people. When we talk, we not only convey our words to other people, but we emphasize them with hand gestures; the expression on our face reveals our emotional relationship to the person and the subject of discussion. Whether we like it or not, the quality of communication with our surroundings also depends on our image, as well as our self-image.
The saying that "clothes make the man", only captures part of the truth. Assertiveness, politeness, openness, a refined manner, the feeling that other people accept us for who we are; these are all important, along with other things. How we feel in society, how confident and brave we are when in contact with others is largely dependent on our sense of acceptance in the community. Moreover, if we stand out too much from the criteria, which the community has set as "normal", we will have trouble being accepted, lack confidence and always have the feeling of being in a subordinate position.
Ear deformity is a common aesthetic defect, which can already be noticed at birth. It is seen in the form of deformed outer ears, excess cartilage, underdeveloped auricles or improper position of the auricles. Protruding ears are a very common deformation; one or both ears can be affected. They can both protrude equally or one more drastically than the other.
Children with protruding ears are perceived as different by their peers, when they become aware of not only difference between the sexes, but also between individuals; this usually happens after the age of five. In their own simple, direct and honest world, children can be very cruel when making fun of each other. Even if in the eyes of the parents, he is a wonderful child, to his peers he is often a "rabbit", "Dumbo the elephant", a "bat" or something like that. Ridicule due to protruding ears may have lasting effects on a child's mental state. If in his gentle childhood days, he is bothered by the insults of his peers, he himself may become critical later on in puberty. Letting boys' hair grow long or girls wearing their hair loose is no longer enough.
Parents, who face this problem, usually do not know when the best time for an operation is or what age the child should be. From the perspective of the child's mental state, it is best before starting school. At this age, the head and ears have already reached 90 % of the size of an adult head; the shaping of the ears is practically complete. After the operation, the child enters a new school without the burden of being different and the complex of being less worthy does not develop. However, at this age, surgery can only be performed using general anaesthesia. When the child is eight or nine years old, he is mature enough to be operated on under local anaesthesia.
Teenagers and young people, whose parents did not allow the elimination of the deformation during childhood, change their appearance after surgery. Girls no longer hide their ears under loose hair, but wear a ponytail and show their beautiful ears and with their hair up, they emphasise the new shape of their face. Long-haired boys with girly haircuts become young men with short haircuts.
Protruding ear correction is an aesthetic surgical procedure, which is performed at the clinic under local anaesthesia. The operation in painless for the patient. Before the operation, which effectively and permanently corrects protruding or deformed ears. The procedure is not painful or demanding for the patient. It is carried out under local anaesthesia. Before the procedure, we take measurements and plan the operation.
The surgical incision is made at the back of the ears, so that after the operation, the scar is hidden behind the outer ear and is not noticeable. Depending on the shape and nature of deformation, during the procedure part of the skin and cartilage is cut. The cartilage is thinned out, moved or reshaped.
There are many operational techniques. We select the one, which according to the operating surgeon's experience, is most appropriate in the given case. All the techniques have in common the inserting of permanent stitches and scraping of the cartilage, so the ear curves in the desired direction.
Protruding ears cause embarrassment and destroy the self-esteem of both children and adults. We often try to cover them up with our hair. Normally, protruding ears are the result of excess cartilage in the ear or due to errors in development of the ear, when the auricles have not been adequately developed.
Through otoplasty, we restructure, relocate or reduce the size and prominence of one or both ears to create a more natural and likeable appearance. With children, it is most appropriate that the operation be planned between the fifth and sixth year, when the ear has reached 90 % of adult size and is fully shaped.
Since children with protruding ears are often the objects of ridicule of their peers, it is best that the procedure be carried out before the child starts school. A normally shaped auricle is usually no more than two centimetres away from the scalp. The top of the ears is usually at the same level as the eyebrows; the bottom is level with the base of the nose.
Otoplasty |
Description and characteristics |
Short description of the procedure |
This procedure reduces the size and protrusion of the ears. the incision is hidden behind the ear, where it connects to the head. |
Possible combinations with other procedures |
Usually on its own, occasionally combined with rhinoplasty |
Variations and techniques |
Through this procedure, we can reduce the size of the ears, reshape cartilage, etc. |
Duration of procedure |
1 - 3 hours |
Post procedure |
Swelling, suffusion, pain; return to work in 1 week; more strenuous activity and contact sports in 1—2 months. |
Pain |
Mild to moderately severe |
Possible complications |
Infection, hematoma, asymmetry, need for an additional procedure |
Anaesthesia |
Local, general |
Hospitalization |
Outpatient procedure |
Duration of results |
Permanent |
Description of the procedure
Otoplasticy can be performed on an outpatient basis or with one-day hospitalization. Children are usually hospitalized and operated on under general anaesthesia, while adults are operated on under local anaesthesia on an outpatient basis. The procedure can include cutting cartilage and skin, relocation of cartilage, shaping new creases and thinning our cartilage. The final incision is usually behind the ear, where the ear connects to the scalp. In almost all techniques, stitches are left the ear, which eventually decompose on their own, or stitches, which are removed at the latest 14 days after surgery.
Variations and techniques
There are many different techniques, which depend on the type of deformation and the surgeon's experience. An integral part of all is the insertion of stitches and persistent scraping of cartilage in a way that the ears curve in the desired direction.
- Restructuring the ears: Ears that protrude excessively are reduced in size through the removal of cartilage from the back of the ear. Sometimes the ears must be stitched to the scalp.
- Restructuring of the auricles: If only the auricles are protruding, this could be because they are too large or too turned out. If they are just too big, their size is simply reduced with a wedged incision; if the reason is a rotation problem, this is fixed through an incision of the entire length of the auricle, scraping the cartilage and permanent stitched to hold the auricle in its new position.
- Big ears: If the ears are too big in every sense, for their correction it is necessary to make an incision in the skin and cartilage and restructure the remaining tissue.
AnalgesicsNormally, mild analgesics are required after the surgery. Only exceptionally are antibiotics required.
Immediately after the operation, gauze and bandages are placed around the ear; approximately one week later, the stitches are removed and then the patient is to wear a headband for at least one month. The headband stabilizes the auricles in their new position and prevents them from bending, for example, when sleeping.
Non-absorbable stitches (which hold the auricle in its new position) are removed after one week. The stitches behind the ear are removed after 14 days. The remaining stitches in the ear are absorbable and break down in the tissue after a given period of time.
Once the bandages are removed, the patient can assess the results, though it takes some time for the swelling and bruises to completely disappear.
Are your full of energy, yet appear to be tired and aged?
Under the influence of Earth's gravity, the skin of the face begins to slowly droop after the age of thirty.
There are many causes of aging and loss of youthful firmness:- exposure to weather conditions like the wind
- heat and cold,
- ultraviolet rays,
- smoking,
- consumption of alcohol.
All of this leads to age-related changes in the skin surface, circulation disorders and the thinning of the lips due to loss of collagen and elastic fibres and the regularity of their arrangement. The mimic muscles cut the first wrinkles into the forehead and around the eyes. The cheeks then begin to sag, as the wrinkles between the cheeks and upper lip deepen and the double chin begins to sag.
Cosmetic surgery of the eyelids is known as blepharoplasty. It is a surgical procedure through which we improve the appearance of the upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both and gives a rejuvenated appearance to the surrounding area of your eyes, making you look more rested and alert.
We surgically remove loose or sagging skin that creates folds or disturbs the natural contour of the upper eyelid, sometimes impairing vision. We remove excess fatty deposits that appear as puffiness in the upper eyelids and bags under the eyes. We stretch out droopy skin of the lower eyelids, which show white below the iris and remove excess skin and fine wrinkles of the lower eyelid.
The operation is suitable for adult men and women, who have healthy facial tissue and muscles and have realistic goals for improvement of the upper and/or lower eyelids and surrounding area. You should do it for yourself, not to fulfil someone else’s desires or to try to fit any sort of ideal image. People with severe, life-threatening diseases, or those, which significantly impair the healing of skin, are not candidates for this surgery.
Blepharoplasty is suitable for healthy individuals, who do not smoke and have a positive outlook and specific goals in mind for the surgical procedure. You must tell the doctor if you have had any medical conditions such as glaucoma, dry eye or a detached retina, thyroid disorders such as Graves’ disease and under or overactive thyroid, high blood pressure, diabetes or other chronic diseases. The procedure in painless; it is done under local and intravenous anaesthesia.
The incision within the natural crease of the upper eyelid allows the repositioning of fat deposits and tightening of muscles and tissue. The incision lines for eyelid surgery are designed for scars to be well concealed within the natural structures of the eyelid region. We remove excess skin. Conditions of the lower eyelid may be corrected with an incision just below the lower lash line; the excess fatty tissue is repositioned or removed.
The eyelid surgery can be supplemented with a cathopexy, which is the tightening of the muscles in the outer corners of the eyes. Through this, we eliminate droopiness of the lower eyelid and support the eye. If the operation is supplemented with canthoplasty, we avoid the wrinkling of the lower eyelid; the height of the outer corner of the eye is lifted, giving the eye a more mysterious and cat-like appearance.
After the procedure is over, the surgeon will rub antibiotic ointment on your eyes to protect your eyes from drying out and infection. You will have to use the ointment for a few more days after the operation. For this reason, your vision will not be clear for some time. Swelling of the eyelids and stitches prevent the insertion of contact lenses, which is why you will need to wear glasses after the operation. Dark glasses are the best, as they cover the eyes from curious glances and protect sensitive eyes from sunlight. The skin surrounding the eyes is very thin, delicate, and attached to the base with slight tendons. For this reason, it can easily become very swollen.
Advice for the first week after the operation:- you will avoid excess swelling by resting with your head elevated and cooling the eyelids with cold compresses or special cooling wraps for the eyes for the first day or two after the operation each waking hour for 20 minutes.
- sleep on your back for the first week after the operation
- do not perform any tasks with your head lower than shoulder level
- when picking things off the floor, so not bend over, but squat
- swelling may also be reduced by lymphatic drainage, which is done by a beautician
If the stitches are not absorbable, we will remove them for you after three to five days. Once the stitches have been removed, do not rub, pull or scratch your eyelids, as the wound could be re-opened. The stitches on the interior side of the eyelid will be absorbed with time; they can be irritating and may cause tearing and redness. In this event, we recommend a control check-up. Recovery after the surgery will be painless if you take the pain medication that will be prescribed to you.
The duration of the recovery depends on how extensive the procedure is. Most of the swelling of the upper and lower eyelids disappear from one to two weeks after surgery; with canthoplexy, it takes a bit longer. It may take a year before the scars become completely soft. The aging process of the eyelids cannot be stopped through surgical procedures, but we can slow it down. The success of the operation will be more permanent if you spend the rest of your life protecting your face from the sun with protective cream or covering.
Possible complications- blurred or impaired vision
- infection
- more fluid accumulation
- slow healing of wounds
- itching due to dry eyes
- difficulty in closing eyelids
- visible scars
- abnormal laxness of the lower eyelid (ectropion)
- need for another operation
Why should you have to feel marked?
The healing of deep skin wounds due to accidents, surgery, or burns ends with a scar. This is not typical for the skin structure of three layers –
the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue, but is made up of connective cells and fibres, which in their structure and function, most resemble the dermis and are covered with a thin layer of collagen.
The connective fibres in normal skin are reasonably arranged according to the operations designated for that part of the skin. The fibres of scar tissue are randomly scattered in a criss-cross manner.
Prior to achieving its final appearance, the scar goes through several stages of maturation:
The first phase is called the inflammatory phaseIt begins immediately after the injury of the tissue (or cutting of an old scar) and lasts two to six days. A blood clot closes the wound, the white cells to fight against the invasion of bacteria, binding cells begin to generate collagen fibres, mixed in a random network designed to adhere to scar together. In this phase, the wound is red, swollen, painful and warmer. If it is located above a joint, it is harder to move.
The second phase is characterized by rich growth of connective tissue
It is called the proliferation phase. It can last a week or two. The growing crowd of binding collagen fibres increases the resistance of the fresh scars against external forces of traction or tension. Blood vessels grow within the scar, bring more oxygen and glucose, which promote the growth of collagen fibres.
The edges of the wound thicken; red knotty tissue may appear, which is known as granulation tissue. It consists of young blood vessels; white blood cells that help clean the wound and bacteria. The surface of the wound is then whitish or yellowish. If there is a large number of bacteria present in the wound, it is infected. Yellowish pus flows from the wound.
The maturation phase is the final phase
Duration may be several weeks or even several years. The new collagen fibres to a lesser extent, are still emerging and are made in line with most external forces, while the old, redundant ones decompose. When the rate of formation of collagen fibres is equal to the rate of breakdown, the process of healing the wound has ended.
The scar becomes firm, gradually shrinks and becomes thinner until it is level with the rest of the skin. Fair-skinned people have pale scars; dark-skinned people have scars with more pigment than their skin has.
The shape and appearance of scars depends on several factors
Scars are always uglier, thicker and wider, when their course is different from the natural course of skin wrinkles. Children and adolescents have firmer skin and their scars are exposed to more forces that with older people with withered skin. Therefore, the risk of formation of thick scar tissue in young people is greater than in the elderly. The scars of children grow together with them until the growing process has ended. Deep burns, which were not treated with skin grafting, heal with terrible scars, which may even restrict the mobility of joints (contracture).
Poznamo dve motnji v zorenju brazgotin:
There are two known disorders in the maturing of scar tissue:- A scar is hypertrophic when it becomes thick, but is still within the limits of the wound from which it arose.
- If it strongly protrudes, binds into the healthy skin and extends beyond the borders of the original wound, this is keloid.
Both disorders can cause tingling or burning pain. The final appearance of scars largely depends upon our genetic make-up and racial origin. Keloids usually affect those of African descent. In the past, many tribes deliberately created Keloids and regarded them as a permanent form of decoration.
Since the time of the German junkers, when scars from duels were something of pride, especially on the face, has passed, scars are no longer considered to be decorations in western culture.
The goal of scar repair is to improve its shape
We must emphasize that no technique can completely eliminate scars; we also cannot ensure that the final result of the treatment will be ideal, even though we perform our operations with the highest integrity, The healing of wounds does not only depend on the quality of surgical techniques. But also on the characteristics of your body. For several months, the scar may remain swollen, red, itchy and even painful.
If the direction of the scar is not correct, it can remain wide, thick and distracting. It sometimes gets stuck to the muscle or tendon and the skin is pulled when moving the limb or normal movement of the joint is prevented.
If you have a scar you would like to be consulted on, come to us for an exam. The plastic surgeon will examine you, ask what your expectations are and assess whether or not they can be met with a surgical procedure. Many scars can be repairs and we will agree on how this can be done. If we cannot change the shape of a scar, sometimes it is better to leave it there and cover it up with decorative cosmetics.
Are you embarrassed with people because your hair is becoming thinner month by month due to hair loss?
Many people know the despair that occurs when entire clumps fall out when washing the hair.
Their hair grows thinner every year and their bald spot grows shinier and more obvious. Hair loss ruins their self-esteem, destroys their social life and limits their confidence at the workplace and in their private life. They become suspicious, distrusting and even lonely because they are afraid of ridicule, especially if they were the object of it in the past. If you are among them, we can help you.
Hair grows in cycles. Each hair root has its own programme: the hair grows, this is called the anangen phase, it then rests a while during the telogen phase, fall out and begins growing again. Ninety percent of your hair is in a stage of growth, the remainder is resting, then they fall out. After that, the cycle begins again.
And how do we cure baldness?
We use surgical methods to help people with advanced baldness. If the hair is thinning evenly throughout the scalp, it is more appropriate to treat with drugs.
We choose and combine four methods!
- the bald part of the scalp is cut out and the skin is stitched,
- we cover the bald spot with hair grafts, which are made from the healthy hair on the back and sides of the scalp,
- a tissue expander is placed beneath the hear-bearing part of the scalp that lies next to the bald area. The device causes the skin to expand and grow new cells, which are used to cover the bald spot.
- we place a section of hair-bearing skin in the place of the bald spot.
Your own hair is always used for scalp renewal. No surgical procedure can stop the process of hair loss, but it can improve the look of your hair for years.
Lipofiling or transfer of fat produced naturally in the body is the most efficient in areas with the minimum movement. This is usually in the area of cheek-bones where the fat transplant is very stable. The transfer can also be performed to other areas, namely the lips, lower eyelids, chin, above the eyes, etc., in short, everywhere where there is a lack of fat.
With the liposuction the fat from the stomach, thighs and hips is aspirated, washed out and again injected into desired areas. The procedure can be performed under local or general anaesthesia. Since this material is produced naturally in the body, the irregularities have to be slightly excessively corrected, because most of the material is broken down.
After the concluded procedure the areas where the liposuction was performed must be wrapped or covered with a compression clothing. Places where lipofiling was performed have to be immobilised with patches. In order to achieve optimal results the procedure usually has to be repeated.
What is liposuction?
Liposuction together with its variations has been a method for quick and permanent body contouring for decades. It is one of the most prevalent and safe cosmetic procedures. It is not a weight loss method since the maximum amount of fat removed is only a few kilograms. However, the fat is removed from body parts where even the most strict and persistent dieting has no effect.
Did you know?
Liposuction is one of the safest cosmetic procedures.
At the Medical Center Rogaška, we use the two most up-to-date types of procedures: laser lipolysis treatment and vibro liposuction carried out with the latest device combining oscillation and rotation in so-called nutation.
What is laser lipolysis?
Laser lipolysis is a revolutionary upgrade of traditional liposuction which introduces entirely new liposuction standards. It is an important improvement in terms of simplicity, procedure duration, and safety of patients.
It is increasingly becoming more favoured as a treatment method for cellulite and localized adipose deposits. It is favoured by all that fear standard liposuction methods or procedures under general anaesthesia. This method allows the dissolution of subcutaneous adipose layers, which cannot be achieved through standard liposuction methods. The procedure is more rapid than with standard liposuction, which also applies to recovery. A patient is able to perform all normal activities an hour after the procedure. However, he/she must avoid hard physical work and playing sports.
It is particularly effective with adipose deposits, which cannot be dissolved by means of a rigid diet and also effect slim people. Laser liposuction allows procedures on those parts of the body which are not suitable for standard liposuction: reduction of adipose deposits on the face, cheeks, neck, upper arms, upper abdomen, knees, etc.
It also improves the firmness of the skin, which cannot be achieved through standard liposuction.
This is a perfect procedure for people with realistic expectations who are willing to wait for the final result to take effect and who, besides the adipose deposits, also deal with a little loose skin.
- Laser lipolysis is performed under local anaesthesia.
- The procedure is performed from 60 to 90 minutes. The pain is moderate.
- Only a few millimetres deep incision means a low-invasive procedure.
- At the same time, the laser coagulates the blood vessels, which causes minimum bleeding.
- This means a shorter surgical procedure and recovery in comparison to the standard liposuction.
- If more extensive areas of the body need treatment, a combination of laser lipolysis and liposuction can be used.
What is vibro liposuction?
Vibro liposuction is a combination of standard surgical methods and top-level technology giving extraordinary results with less pain and a shorter recovery time after surgery.
Where a large amount of fat is liquefied with laser lipolysis, and the body is not able to remove it, vibro liposuction plays an important role. With this innovative technique the procedure is faster and the patient’s safety is greater. Within the first week after the procedure, only walking is recommended. During the second week, physical activities can be increased, and after two weeks, the patient can proceed with his/her everyday activities. The body reaches its final shape within six months after the procedure. Liposuction permanently removes parts of fat cells from the adipose tissue. A person who maintains his/her body weight or increases it a little after liposuction, will keep the body which was acquired with the procedure.
The most sophisticated device for vibro liposuction with nutation technology allows for a simple and painless subcutaneous injection of a local anaesthetic. The procedure is thus less painful and feels like receiving a massage with a massage device.